The Terrors of Adult Life

Hello Everyone!

It’s Feather here. Just saying hi here on Fobz and Mini! I just came by to drop a hint that I’m still active! Yes, I’m back from my hiatus! Ok, so the reason why I’m suddenly back is because I’m finally free from university!

Yes, that’s right! I’m free! I’ve been free for two weeks now and well, let’s just say I’ve been catching up on my rest…well that’s not true. I’m working part time at a store, but hey, I’m resting as much as I can! So what am I going to talk about today? Well, if the title isn’t enough, I’ll be talking about the terrors of growing up!

So what are my terrors of growing up?

Well, I’ll be telling you my worst five terrors of growing up, because let’s face it. It is rather scary when you finally finish education and you have no idea what’s going to happen. You’re now void of a routine, you have no idea whether or not you’ll get a job, and you have no idea how to take care of yourself, despite the fact that maybe, just maybe your parents will let you live with them until you can provide for yourself. So shall we get to it?



1. You need to know how to do things for yourself!

Alright, so I’ve lived a rather sheltered life, so it’s quite difficult to do much by myself, but the idea of looking out for only yourself is terrifying! It’s all well and good where you think you can handle things yourself, but the fact that I don’t have the same cushion as I had when I finished sixth form is terrifying.



2. Looking for your dream job is a must!

Oh this one gets me every time I think about it! Even my mom has been harping on my case about finding a job! Despite the fact I’m already working part time, she thinks I’m just slacking. It’s only been two weeks since I officially finished going to university for lectures and workshops, but according her two weeks is enough rest. I did tell her I need to have some time to myself before I start looking!



3. Age catches up to you!

Ok, so I’m not that old, but when you’re at university or at school, you don’t feel as tired as you think you are. In fact, when you’re at school or university, you tend to have more fun, since you’re with friends, but now that you’re in the adult world of working a job, when you finally come home at 5pm all you really want to do is watch TV and sleep. No joke! I mean yeah, I was always a couch potato…but I did want to go out every now and then, just to meet up with friends or have a good time, but lately, I just can’t be bothered to do that whole club scene or shopping scene. All I want to do is just lounge about at home!



4. You learn things that will probably scar you for the rest of your life!

So you don’t really get scarred, but having watched disaster movies and documentaries, I’ve gotten pretty scared of learning a certain skill that would probably make my life easier…driving a car…I mean yes some of you have probably known how to drive since you were 16, or 21, but I’m 22 and I am still scared of driving a car. It frightens me when I think about how fast I’ll be going and if ever I make a mistake on the road, it’ll be my fault, and I’d have to take responsibility. I can’t actually say sorry and not feel guilty for hurting someone else!



5. Responsibility! Responsibility! Responsibility

Now this is the worst terror of all! I know that all my life, I’ve always been responsible, whenever my parents ask it of me, but when it comes to actual responsibility, I’m actually quite nervous! I mean, when you’re an adult, you start thinking about what’s going to happen now! You’re out of university, how are you going to provide for yourself? You don’t have the cushion of knowing that someone else is looking out for you and paying the bills or doing the shopping. It’s up to you to do that now! Granted, I’m still living at home, so I don’t have to worry about that just yet, but one day I’ll have to move out. One day I’ll have to be responsible and take care of myself, I can’t rely on my parents forever!



So what’s your story?

Now you know my grievances with being an adult, what’s yours? Do you fear leaving your home or do you embrace it? Do you have the courage to say, I can do this, or are you just as stuck as I am? Let me know, I’d like to hear your stories.

Well, that’s it from me, I hope to see ya’ll again someday soon! Don’t forget to check out my blog Feather’s Charm, and leave a like on this post if you’d like to hear more!

This is Feather, signing out!


If you like FeatherCharm, please subscribe to her on FacebookTwitter, SoundcloudBlogger and YouTube.

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The Joys and Woes of a Jet Setter

Hellllloo people of the interwebs!

Our awesome guest poster made another really great post for us. For ya’ll who love travelling, this one will probably hit home for you.



Hello everyone,

Yes, it’s Feather Charm here once more, to talk about the joys and woes of travelling. As some of you may know, I’m an avid traveller (thank you mom and dad!) but there are some downsides to travelling so much. Here are just a few of them:

1. You get to see amazing places

Yes, you get to see and experience many different places and cultures. For example, my most recent was Venice, and I loved every moment of being there, the relaxed and easy culture, the beautiful streets and canals, it was gorgeous!

2. Sometimes you miss home.

When I’m out on holiday, I sometimes think about how I’m going to get home. Granted my dad does most of that worrying for me, but I get quite worried myself when I know I have something going on and I don’t have an easy way back home.

3. The culture rubs off on you.

There are many times when I return back to London and I do everything I can to research up on the culture of my recent holiday (except for the American culture – I think, despite the language differences most of their idiosyncrasies are similar to the British), and pretty much adopt some of the culture as my own.

4. Not many people can associate with you.

Sometimes, I come back home and tell people about the adventures I’d been on, but the people I tell these stories to sometimes get tired of hearing all these things, and get bored of my adventures, so I try my hardest to not repeat my stories to people, unless they ask, because…you know…people do get jealous.

5. You get to try something new.

I love going to different places, because you get a taste of something new. For example, in Venice we went on a gondola; or in Cancun, last year, we went parasailing!

6. You miss the things that happen at home.

As an avid gamer, I love League of Legends, but there have been many updates and patches I’ve missed I feel like I’m playing a completely different game. Not to mention all the different and new films and TV programmes that have been released here in the UK.

7. You get to forget the things you need to do for a while.

In the last two weeks I’ve been on holiday, I’ve had the best time not thinking about updating and maintaining my blog, despite the fact that I wrote the post series for each holiday. It was great just enjoying the days spent exploring a new environment.

8. You have to face your problems eventually.

Yes, while I get to forget my problems for a while, I have to face them eventually. A lot of things have happened to me recently, and I was thankful I had the holidays to help me cool down. I have faced them, and have decided on the course of action I need to take up.

9. You get to go on adventures!

Basically that’s what you do when you go on holiday, except for the R&R holidays when you just pretty much laze about all day.

10. You want to go back!

Most of the time, I can’t wait to get home, but there are times when I just want to stay, like in Cancun, I wanted to be that relaxed forever. Recently I’ve been missing Venice, I miss the water transport system, and I actually enjoyed not having cars on the road, and actually taking a walk. It was the most fun I’d had in a long time!

So yes there you go, the ten joys and woes of being a jet setter. I know some people experience this too and if you are one of them, just know, that travelling opens your mind to different things. Don’t be afraid to show your openness to others.

Well, that’s it for now! This is Feather signing out!

Follow FeatherCharm on Twitter and check out her blog as well! 😀

– Fobz&Mini ♥♥

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Guest Post: The Struggles Of Being An Early Bird Feat. Feather Charm

I don’t know about you guys but waking up early is super hard specially if you are not a morning person AT ALL. If you’ve ever woken up grumpy or crying while slowly trying to make your way to the bathroom. This one’s for you 🙂


Hello everyone!

FeatherCharm here once more!

So as you all know I’m a girl gamer…but what many don’t really know is the fact that I’m also an Early Bird. Yes I wake up at ungodly hours of the morning and go through the day like a half zombie. It’s probably why those of you who actually know me suffer me suddenly withdrawing (a lot). I’m trying to recharge my batteries, whilst still listening to your end of the conversation. Now unlike my last post (where I pretty much complained the entire time) this time I’m going to write BOTH the positives and negatives of being an Early Bird.

So without further ado, I give you the positives of being an Early Bird:

The Early Bird gets the worm!


It’s exactly what it means! Yes when you wake up early you get the perks of seeing the sunrise, having breakfast without the noise of other people (no? Only me?) and getting to use the facilities first, without having to wait in line. This is why we wake up early. Basically you get there first, you get the best first, believe me it’s the best feeling in the world. No smelly body odour, no pressing bodies and no loud and noisy crowds, especially if you’re an introvert. It’s a relief!

You get to see the most beautiful things in the morning


I don’t think many of you get the chance to see this, but the early sunrise is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever scene, even if it’s a cloudy day. I love the way the last vestiges of the night turn to dawn. As I said, even if it’s cloudy, the way the royal blue of the night turns to the grey of the day, it makes me feel like I’m in a crystal ball! Not only that, when you hear the first birds singing, it’s awesome! It’s like the world is saying, “hello, and yes you’re alive!”

There are more hours in the day for you to do things you want


Ok so this is for all you busybodies out there. If you’re like me, you constantly need to do something, other than lying on the couch watching TV. The amount of hours in the day I have to do all the things I want is ridiculous. In a normal day, I am able to write at least one chapter of my book, I play at least five games of League of Legends, I write an entire blog post (if I’m inspired), get at least 10 documents of my university assignments done (for those that require 10 documents) and that’s excluding meals! Honestly, it’s amazing how much I get done…of course that’s not to say, there are days were I do just laze about, and most of the time these days are just filled with games…whoops!

Ok so there’s your three positives about being an Early Bird, but there are some negatives, and these are what we Early Birds have to suffer!

No one is awake when you are


You don’t know how many times people ask me “Why are you awake so early!” or “I don’t get to sleep like 5am!”…blah, blah, blah…yes this is what we have to suffer. Well newsflash! We wake up at these hours because the sun greets us every morning at 7am for no apparent reason. It’s just the way our body clocks are wired; don’t blame us. So the next time you meet an early bird just nod along and probably say something along the lines of, “wow, it must be pretty to see the sunrise!”

You miss out on things that happen at night


Ok so this goes for introverts and gamers like me. Basically, if you play a team player game, like League of Legends, DOTA 2, Smite, etc. you’ll have to suffer trying to log on to the game at the same time as all your friends…HaHaHa…that is never going to happen if you’re an early bird! From experience, I know for a fact that if I want to play League of Legends or any team player game it’s going to have to take place at night, since everyone I know who plays it, plays at night! You don’t know how annoying it is to find out your friends has reached silver in a single night, when you’ve been trying to up your game throughout the entire day! It’s not fair!

Your motto is “you sleep early, you wake up early”



Ok so sometimes this just isn’t true. I know this for a fact because my body clock, for some ungodly reason, is wired to wake up at 8/9am regardless of the time I go to bed. Yes, even if I sleep at 3am, I some how wake up at 8am! I guess it’s because of habit, but regardless, it’s not sane for anyone to only get 5 hours of sleep. 8 hours is the Minimum AND Maximum for any decent person. That’s why I sleep early. Thus missing whatever exciting event happens to any of my friends. Thus the reason why people ask me, “WHY DO YOU SLEEP SO EARLY!”

There you have it, the struggles of nearly all Early Birds. So as an Early Bird, here’s my advice: 

  1. If you’re not an Early Bird, and you know someone who is, instead of saying stuff like “Why do you sleep/wake up so early?” Say something along the lines of, “Wow! It must be nice to be able to see the sunrise!” (And not in a sarcastic tone…it can be an insult…oh and only when you know they wake up around the time the sun comes up)
  2. If you are an Early Bird, don’t waste the day, do something productive. Yes we can be lazy lots, and yes you don’t have to do so many things in one day…but if it’s a nice day, do the gardening, take a walk; do something outside! Or if it is a gloomy day (which is common here in the UK), read a book…write a book, start a blog, or if you’re like me…play a game and get better at it. You never know what you can do.

So that’s it from me, and as always, do with this post what you will.

This is FeatherCharm, signing out!

Follow FeatherCharm on Twitter and check out her blog as well! 😀

– Fobz&Mini ♥♥

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Guest Post: I Am A Girl Gamer Feat. FeatherCharm

 Pewdiepie, Cinnamon Toast Ken, Markiplier, Cry. What do these gamers have in common? They are all men. Don’t get us wrong, we have nothing but love for these wonderful guys but we appreciate girl gamers as well (girl power woo!). So we thought it would be so great if our awesome friend, FeatherCharm can do a guest post here, describing her struggles and experiences with playing as a girl. So without further ado, here’s FC!

Enjoy Guyss! 🙂

– FobzandMini ♥

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Hello everyone, FeatherCharm here!

If you’ve read my blog, you’ll know I’m a gamer girl, particularly for League of Legends. Of course, I don’t play hard-core stuff like COD or Halo. I play other games, like League of Angels, Conquer Online, and basically other MMORPG, not to mention I’m the “side” gamer girl…you know the Bakery Story stuff, The Simpsons Game stuff…all that lot.

Anyway, for you guys on the Fobz and Mini bandwagon, I just want to show you the few things that a gamer girl like me has to go through:

1.    Your mom/dad always scolds you for playing too many games and not focusing



Ok so if you’re a gamer girl, like me, you’ll probably get the constant rubbing of the elbow by your mom or dad to stop playing games and focus on your work/homework/etc. That’s what I go through! So many times have I told my mom that games like League of Legends or League of Angels helps me learn strategy! I mean…sure it’s not going to be useful much for film production…but in other aspects of my life it will help! Not to mention, if you search on the Internet long enough, you’ll find out that games actually help.

2.    If you’re not new with technology, you’ll get guys telling you things that intimidate you



I’m in a male dominant environment, and well, let’s just say, because I’m into SOME…yes SOME…of the stuff they’re into, they automatically assume I know what they’re talking about…like Marvel, or comics, or even be remotely interested in ninjas…I play League of Legends, end of…I don’t read comics, I don’t watch old Marvel TV shows or know anything about the Marvel universe. I know a bit about the Doctor Who and Sherlockian universes but not Marvel…Why do they always assume Marvel?

3.    The lack of conversation with other people because they don’t know what you’re talking about



This one just gets me a lot! Ok, sometimes I can talk with other women, because I watch/read/play whatever it is they’re into, but most of the time I am the one that sits quietly in the corner, listening to babble I don’t understand…well of course it’s probably because I’m behind the times…I’m stuck in my own bubble, but why do you think? I PLAY LEAGUE OF LEGENDS! So I don’t really have time to catch up on the gossip about the Kardashians, I don’t care about who wore what to the academy awards (as long as I know who won what I’m set), I don’t care about what happened over the weekends. If you speak to me about the new Meta in LoL, about the teams who won in the LCS or if Riot brought out a new character, I’ll be on you like cling-film!

Yeah…so random rant, but you get the picture. It’s no wonder I’m always mad here, I keep getting shut out of reality…oh well…now…back to League of Legends…Oh who’s watching the LCS with me?



– FeatherCharm

Please do follow FeatherCharm on Twitter and give her some lovin’ on her blog as well! 😀

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